About Us
Captain Jack’s Subsea Retreat
Snorkel and Scuba Diver Training and Tours
Jack has trained 9000+ divers over the past 45 years. In that time, we have an unparalleled record of excellence in teaching scuba diving.
Sub Sea Experience owner and Instructor Certifier, Jack Madro, is an SSI Platinum Pro-rated Instructor. Jack introduced the weekend Scuba Immersion Program in Edmonton over 35 years ago. Some of our divers have gone on to prestigious positions as dive medical experts, leaders in marine conservation, resort owners/operators and dive leaders world-wide.

Jack is a certified professional educator and promotes educationally-sound learn to scuba programs based on the most current learning strategies. With over 45 years experience, Jack has been recognized by the National Association of Underwater Instructors for having trained more people in North America than any instructor in history!
About Instructor Certifier Jack Madro
Scuba Certification
Underwater Scuba Instructor/ Instructor Trainer/ Instructor Evaluator
With over 45 years of experience, Jack has certified over 4000 students and introduced more than 12,000 people to the sport of diving through discover scuba programs.
Educational Background
Graduated from the University of Alberta, Bachelor of Education (1978). Specialties include all Sciences and Physical Education.
Employed with the Edmonton Public School Board as Secondary High School Teacher, from 1979 – 1986. Taught Math, Science, Biology, Chemistry, Physical Education and Outdoor Education.
Scuba Diver Trainer and Scuba Instructor Trainer/Evaluator with a number of certification agencies.
Professional Agencies
Scuba Schools International (SSI) IT# 135-IE#135 IC#1941) Instructor Certifier
International Association of Nitrox & Technical Divers (IANTD 2085)
International Association Of Nitrox & Technical Divers (Gas Blender)
National Association of Underwater Instructors (NAUI 4741)
Confederation Mondiale des Activities Subaquatics (CMAS M2 213)
International Association of Dive Rescue Specialists (IADRS 1027882)
Specialized in Underwater cutting, welding, demolition, inspection, extrication, and rescue.
Award-winning underwater photographer with national awards.
Internationally published writer in the field of water rescue and ice rescue.
Search and Rescue Team Leader: 1982 – 1999 with over 90 missions on record. (RCMP, City Police, Fire Department, Alberta Environment and numerous private contracts.)
Registered “Expert Witness” for Aquatic Accident Investigations.
Guest Lecturer at CFB “Search & Rescue Technicians” SAR-Techs training schools.
Past president of the Alberta Scuba Divers Council.
Director and primary owner of Sub Sea Experience (42 years).
Have conducted group tours to exotic locations such as the Red Sea, Galapagos Islands, Caribbean, Arctic, Mexico, Micronesia, Hawaii, and Alaska. Also, coordinate dive and whale watching charters to the west coast (Vancouver Island) on a monthly basis.
Established successful Whale Watching and Charter Dive Service out of Port Sidney, in Sidney, B.C. (1994)
Established the Ogden Point Dive Centre in Victoria, B.C. (1996 – 1997)
As seen on Mugro Web Directory